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There are only 86 400 seconds in a day, how are you going to use them?

I find that Thursday is that day the most of my clients and myself start to fade with our motivation to keep going, be it with our exercise, nutrition, our job, anything. So, I would like to share a you tube video with everyone one of my favourite speakers/video on keeping yourself going.

You don’t have to watch the video, but you do need to hear it, so LISTEN and remember to leave your tank on “E”

Ploymetric Pull-Ups

After watching almost every single one of my female clients struggle, and I mean struggle with doing at least one chin-up, I decided that it was time that the family started doing chin-ups every night (almost every night). my partner, who is a very strong girl could only do one dead hang chin-up (and yes, this is the only chin-up there is, every other version is cheating) when we started, our 3 boys couldn’t even get 5 each and they are active in 5 or 6 different sports and I was stuck at 7/8 depending on my energy levels. so, every night we went into our gym and everyone had to perform 10 dead hang chin-ups before they were allowed to leave or do anything else. It was a slow go in the beginning, but after 6 weeks my partner had improved to getting 4 full dead hang chin-ups in a row and the boys could all do at least 7. My achievement was pretty substantial as well, by the end of 6 weeks I could do 10 dead hang chin-ups (palms facing face) and 10 wide grip pull-ups, so I decided to start doing plyometric wide grip pull-ups and after another 2 weeks could perform 10 dead hang plyometric wide grip pull-ups.

I wanted to share this with you to show you that dedication, perseverance and setting a goal can be accomplished quicker then you may think. So, then next time you want to achieve something, believe that you can do it and don’t stop until it’s done.