measurements and vacation


6 1/2 weeks until vacation in the Dominican Republic, so I guess it is time to turn up the intensity and motivation on my personal nutrition and exercise program.  In light of the quick deadline I have decided to post my measurements as means to increase my motivation and have everyone keep me accountable to achieve my goals.  We have a bio-impendence scale that measures body fat %, water, weight, and a few other things as well, but I will just post the important numbers and my end goal result.

height –   5′ 6.5″

weight – 204.8lbs

BMI – 32.6

BF % – 15.8%

Fat lb – 32.4lbs

FFM – 172.4lbs (fat free mass)

TBW – 126.2 (total body water)

My target body fat percentage is to get down to 11-12%

My Predicted weight – 192lbs

Predicted Fat mass – 22.6lbs


There are only a few numbers that I or anyone should actually care about.  The first one is the fat mass, which is the total amount of fat sticking to my body dragging me down.  The second is total body water, more importantly the comparison of my total body to my total body weight.  To be optimal we want to be in between 50-70% water.  So, we take our weight and divide it in half and want to have more water than the difference.  For me it is 102.4lbs, so, as we can see I am well over 50% water and should have all of my organs working optimally.

I’m going to be posting all of my workouts, exercise and food choices everyday to show everyone what it takes to reach and smash a fitness goal once it has been established.


Posted on February 10, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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