Why LOSE weight???


I’m having a really hard time understanding everyone’s obsession with losing weight, and, no, I’m not advocating people to get fat and unhealthy.  I am merely concerned with people wanting to lose 5lbs or 10lbs or 50lbs and not for the obvious reasons one might think.

Let me ask you a question.  What would you do if you lost your keys?  You know exactly what you would do; you would turn your house upside down and find those fucking keys (you know that you would and you would probably drop a few “eff” bombs along the way as well).  So, why are we so focused on LOSING weight, doesn’t that just imply that we are going to want to find it again???  What happened the last time you lost weight?  I’m will to bet all the marshmallows in your lucky charms that you found it again and maybe found more then you were looking for and it wasn’t until you started to focus on gaining your health and a healthy lifestyle that you made a positive impact in your life.  Make a goal of something that you want to gain from exercising and eating healthy nutritious whole foods like a tighter ass, stronger back or higher sex drive.  Guess what will happen when you get your tight ass or better yet, what do you think will happen if you lose your tight ass???  Please tell me that you understand this concept and said that you will find it again because you worked like a rabid dog to find it…

It really can be anything that you want, but you need to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want.  I personally want to gain a few pounds of muscle and gain a fit, rock hard healthy body.  If I happen to eliminate fat in the process all the better because if it is eliminated it isn’t coming back and the end/working result will be the fit body and healthy lifestyle that I want to gain.

Remember: Focus on what you want to gain and expect great things to happen because they will.


How To Fix Your Health

Posted on February 6, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. People do seem to forget that we all find fit bodies attractive because they represent health. Healthy people are attractive, and a lot of people try to lose weight while compromising their health – this is doomed to fail.

    Want to look great? Adopt a healthy lifestyle and the rest will come.

  2. Yes! It’s all about healthy living not weight loss. How much energy and your mood has so much to do with a happy lifestyle. Thanks for the post!

  3. After my realization the other day I find myself constantly reminding myself what I want out of my workout and why I am doing it. It is so easy to fall into the ‘what does the scale say?’ when you are in the locker room at the gym. Everywhere you go there is a scale right in your face. Exercising clears my mind and the rest (weight loss, toning, etc) is a pure bonus at this point.

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