Top 10 Reasons to Avoid Sugar


Reasons to not eat sugar (this could be 100 reasons)


10 – Causes pre-mature aging

            Your body has to take existing water from your cells (muscle, skin) to move and process sugar throughout you organs leaving your cells empty and starving.

9 – Doesn’t cause satiety

            Have you ever opened a big bag of M&M’s and grabbed a handful and popped them into your mouth?  Did you put the bag down after that?  I didn’t think so, me either.  The reason is because sugar has absolutely no nutritional value what-so-ever, therefor it doesn’t give your stomach a reason to believe there is anything in it until you have over consumed and then feel shity.

8 – Tooth Decay

            Sugar rots your teeth and unless you want to look like a hockey player without his dentures in, I suggest you stop eating it.

7 – Leads to depression

            It has been suggested that blood sugar imbalances is the leading cause of depression because your brain runs on glucose (sugar breaks down to glucose).  Too much glucose has an adverse reaction within your brain which leads to various issues; most common is depression.

6 – Raises cholesterol and causes heart disease

            Forget about what you thought you knew (or were told by or wonderful governments) about saturated fat causing heart disease and high cholesterol.  Researchers are now finding that over consumption of sugar, and this includes everything with a high glycemic index such as breads/cereals is the leading cause of cholesterol imbalances and actual change the muscle protein in the heart.

5 – Contributes to the growth of cancer cells

            Instead of writing anything too technical here, please read the following report and you can judge for yourself.

4 – Causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

            Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is an inflammation of the liver cause by fat deposits in the liver tissue.  In the majority of cases the reason is because of obesity, diabetes or both.  Sugar makes you fat and leads to diabetes…see below.


3 – Makes you fat

            Nutrition 101 states that any carbohydrate (sugar) not used by the body for energy gets stored as fat.  Our bodies can only handle/process a certain amount (it is different for everyone) of sugar before it has to defend itself from the onslaught.  When sugar hits your bloodstream insulin is produced (which is a good thing) to defend against its effects and counter act it, but when the amount gets to be too much our body needs to put the unused energy (sugar) somewhere, so it stores as safely as it can and creates fat cells.

2 – Causes insulin resistance leading to diabetes

            So, we have established that sugar causes the body to produce insulin, but when we over consume and our body has to produce too much then the bad stuff really starts to happen.  The simplest definition can be found here .  Drinking just one can of (non-diet) soda per day can raise our risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%, (

1 – Addictive

            94% of rats that were already addicted to cocaine preferred sugar and actually worked harder to get sugar then they did cocaine.  It has the same chemical reaction in your brain as heroin! Do I really need to elaborate more on this???

Posted on February 5, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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